Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Last update from Australia

The day surgery went better than anticipated. Thanks for praying. We are clear to go. My mouth is a bit sore but nothing that panadol and ibuprofen don't help. I'm still getting around with crutches (and sometimes one crutch) for shorter distances.

As we transition to Ukarumpa for a month, we'd appreciate prayer. We will sort of "hit the ground runnin'"...well at least Tim will to an extent with Banqet preparations and getting up to speed somewhat with his new job in the director's office. Graduation is June 16 and we leave Ukarumpa for PA on June 22...arriving on the 25th I believe.

Today we are just finishing up some last minute stuff and then we catch an EARLY flight having to wake up tomorrow at 4:30!!

Thanks for sticking with us and continuing to pray for our travel, healing and transition.


  1. Praise God for wonderful news! I am sure Krista is relieved for her big sister! Have safe travels and a wonderful reunion!

  2. Dear Scotts,

    I'm so excited to hear that you'll be able to make it back to Ukarumpa in time for Banquet! I know Kayla and Kacie will be thrilled to have you back. I have been keeping up with your blog and am constantly encouraged by your faithfulness in trusting the Lord in the midst of such difficult circumstances. His grace is evident in your lives and He is receiving much glory in the way you continue to rely on Him!

    Last year at Bryan, I became an RA (and will be continuing in that position next year as well). There is a group of girls (about eight or so) who have met each night to pray together. Just after the accident, I brought it up and they have continued asking about you, wanting to know what's going on and how they can be praying. We sent a card to many of the people we've been praying for over the past year, but as you know, postage to PNG is pretty expensive, not to mention the time it takes to get there. So...since I don't have a card, I just wanted to let you know of their concern and intercession for the team, for you and for the rest of your family. Hang in there! In His great love, He is working all things together for your good!


  3. Never a dull moment! We are so excited that you both are able to come home to PNG and then home to Lancaster. We are PRAYING and will continue to pray. Hugs to all of you. Mia sends a big hug to Kacie and hopes they can catch up while you are in Lancaster.
    Stephanie & Kevin and Mia

  4. So glad you guys are finally able to go back to PNG and then PA soon! I know Kelsey's excited about PA :) Glad everything's going so well!
    Becky G.

  5. Wow. Such great news. It's been a long road but I am thankful that you have endured. The reunion with the girls will be sweet! I will pray for your time together over the next month, and for energy in all you have to do! God is good!

  6. God is Good! We will pray that all continues to go well and that you will have energy to get through all this excitement that will be in your very near future(PNG & USA) I'm sure Hope and Kelsey as well as your parents will be so glad to hug you guys. We can't wait to see you and catch up too!
    Lot's of love & prayers, Kim for all

  7. wow, wish i could be there for the big reunion at ukarumpa! so happy for you! God is so gracious! and...see you soon! :D
